Monday, 19 September 2011

Woodland Trust and Forestry News Update

Since the start of the year the Woodland Trust has achieved some major national successes in
our role as the voice for woods and trees. But as always your support has played a major part in this.
This special edition of our newsletter highlights how together we have made such a difference to woodland protection.

Planning to threaten your ancient woods and trees!

Over 11,500 of you helped save the existing wording around protection of ancient trees and
woods when the Government reduced over 1000 pages of planning policy to just 52. Thank
you - it was an amazing achievement, yet still more needs to be done to remove the damaging loophole in the draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). This new document
currently out for consultation will allow development 'if the need for and benefits of
development in that location clearly outweigh the loss' basically, economics trumps
Read our blog and learn more about the Woodland Trust's views
Loss of ancient woods and ancient trees is not acceptable. We want to help Government to
achieve its goal of creating clear planning guidance by simply removing the loophole. We have
had an emergency meeting with the Department for Communities and Local Government
(DCLG) telling them of our concerns over their presumption in favour of sustainable
development. They have asked us to suggest alternative wording.
Take part in our quick poll - should the Government remove the loophole?
Because you were so influential in getting the wording secured please back up our call to
remove the loophole. If Government doesnt hear us en masse and as loudly as possible through
its own channels, it could give them the excuse to disregard what's said. This is our only
opportunity to secure and strengthen protection for ancient woods and trees in the planning

What next for the Independent Forestry Panel?

Over 4,000 Woodland Trust supporters did an amazing job in sharing with the Independent Forestry Panel their vision for the future of our woodland. Thank you so much for being the voice of woods and trees. The Panel received over 40,000 submissions in total, which they will now use to help create an interim report to Government about the future direction of forestry and woodland policy in England. The report is due in November.
As you would expect, we submitted our own distinctive viewpoint. You can read our official submission and what's next for the Independent Forestry Panel on our website.

High Speed 2 next stop your local ancient wood

The Woodland Trust made sure that our voice was heard during the public consultation about
the Government's proposed route plans for a high speed rail. In addition 6,500 of you signed our petition that helped shape our response. It's clear that our submission echoes many national concerns over the High Speed 2 (HS2) route.
Our key points focussed on the high level of damage to 21 ancient woodlands along the route.
The consultation may have closed but you can still have a voice. Our interactive map will show
you the woods under threat. Let us know what you think about the plans.
You can read our submission and use our interactive HS2 map via the campaigning section of
our website.

Woods under Threat Oaken Wood exclusive!

Quarrying continues to threaten ancient woodland in Kent. Permission was granted by Kent
County Council to destroy 33 hectares of valuable wildlife habitat. But after 5,000 of you joined
our campaign the case has been called in for a Public Inquiry by Eric Pickles - Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. This is fantastic news!
Exclusive update: the Public Inquiry will start on 7 February 2012. The Woodland Trust will be
a key player in the proceedings. We are preparing our case to reverse this damaging planning decision and to save this beautiful woodland in association with Kent Wildlife Trust and local
action groups.
Watch this space for more information.

100,000th ancient tree discovered

Just five years after the start of the Ancient Tree Hunt when the 200 year old Major Oak in Sherwood Forest become the first ancient tree recorded, we have now reached the 100,000
mark. A majestic beech tree located in the National Trust's Ashridge Forest in the Chilterns has taken the coveted position of 100,000th tree recorded on to the Ancient Tree Hunt website. It measures 5.6 m around the trunk and is estimated to be around 200 years old.
Sadly due to proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework these breathtaking
trees are not fully protected from developers. It is so important that we all take part in the consultation that will decide the future of these magnificent giants of nature.
Take part in the official NPPF consultation - your voice makes the difference.
Plant trees with the Woodland Trust Volunteer with the Woodland Trust Become a member of the Woodland Trust

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This email was sent by the Woodland Trust (a charity registered in England & Wales 294344 and
in Scotland SC038885). A non-profit making company limited by guarantee, registered in England (1982873) at its UK office in Kempton Way, Grantham NG31 6LL. Phone 01476 581111

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