Friday, 2 December 2011

Forest Watch : The Woodland Trust Report on the State of Our Forest

The New Woodland Trust Report

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Jubilee Woods and Tree Week 2011

Jubilee Woods
Cardiff tree planting event
Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal once again showed her support for the Jubilee Woods project. She planted a tree at St Peter's Community Hall in Fairwater, Cardiff which was attended by children from a local school and a group of teenagers from a Young Offenders Institute.
Just three years ago, this community garden was a wasteland but, with the help of the Woodland Trust and our free community packs, it is now described as a "haven of peace" in the heart of Wales' capital.

National Tree Week – 26th November – 4th December
It's National Tree Week (26th November – 4th December) and what a great way to celebrate the start of the tree planting season. We'll be highlighting the importance of trees through our Facebook and Twitter feeds and you can also read more here .
Diamond Woods
We now have 35 confirmed diamond woods. That's over 1.5 million trees that will be planted as part of our Jubilee Woods project so far. We are well on our way to our target of 60 Diamond Woods but still need help to achieve this. See how you can help here.
Thank you for helping us acquire our flagship Diamond Wood. We recently launched our local fundraising drive with an event that saw a fantastic turnout and real enthusiasm from the surrounding community. But we still need your support. Please donate now and help us maintain this momentum to achieve something wonderful in the heart of England.
Donate Now
Tree planting events
Our tree planting season is well under way with various events planned around the country. The Burghley Estate Diamond Wood is one of the first events and they areholding a tree planting event at the beginning of December with local school and communities involved. Please keep visiting the Jubilee Woods website to see what's happening.

Local fundraising
County Durham kicks off our local fundraising activities, where we want local communities to make a real difference to their county. We are putting together a fundraising toolkit for anyone who wants to get involved. This will be available soon on our website. The kit will be packed with exciting fundraising ideas, downloadable posters, donations forms and invites. Keep visiting our site to find out more.
Schools and community free tree packs
We have sent out an incredible 17,500 free tree packs to schools and a further 1000 free tree packs to communities – that's a phenomenal 750,000 free tree supplied by the Woodland Trust. As a result of this, 1,800 acres will be planted across the UK; equivalent to five times the size of London's Hyde Park!
You can still apply for your free schools and community packs – a great way to celebrate Her Majesty The Queen's Diamond Jubilee and leave a lasting legacy for the future.

Plant a garden tree
We want you to get involved in the Trust's ambitious plans to plant a million garden trees. You can be part of this nationwide transformation by pledging to plant a tree. We can help you choose your tree and once it is planted you can add your story to our new Royal Record – history in the making!
pledge now

Join us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

World Heritage Forests Magazine


Issue 61 of World Heritage quarterly magazine: World Heritage Forests

Known as the "lungs of the Earth", trees are crucial to our planet's biological balance. The United Nations designated 2011 International Year of Forests, and issue 61 of World Heritage magazine takes a closer look at a selection of the 104 World Heritage forests and the challenges they face, including Congo Basin forests (RDC), Rio Plátano Biosphere Reserve, (Honduras) Tropical Sumatran Rainforest Heritage (Indonesia), and Redwoods (USA).
See the full e-version of the issue: English | French | Spanish
World Heritage is UNESCO's quarterly magazine featuring in-depth articles, news reports and key interviews with the people behind the preservation and management of the world's most outstanding sites. Stunning photographs present monuments, cities, natural parks and landscapes from around the globe. This magazine is particularly designed to reflect and enhance UNESCO's dedication to World Heritage sites: our legacy from the past, our responsibility for the present and our duty to future generations.

Forest Commission England to Merge with Natural England?

Looking at the recent changes at FC Wales and FC Scotland is there a forgone conclusion that the FC England Consultation Process will suggest a merger with the Environment Agency or Natural England? 

Merger of FC Wales into a Single Environmental Body - help, please
Confor has been fighting for FC Wales to retain its independence, in the face of proposals to merge it with Environment Agency and Countryside Council Wales.
Merger will see forestry policy and delivery, as well as the public forest estate, dominated by a department focused on environmental regulation - restricting activity rather than enabling. It is also likely to lead to the break-up of the Forestry Commission and threaten key resources such as Forest Research.
Confor has led opposition, briefing Assembly Members, securing continued media coverage and challenging the weak business case developed by senior civil servants. We have also worked with other industry organisations to ensure there is a common front.
Kath has set up this petition. Please sign it and email on to your colleagues, friends and family.
Kath McNulty, Confor's Wales manager, reports:

FC Scotland reorganisation  
FC Scotland Director, Dr Bob McIntosh has been appointed to head a new Environment and Forestry department.

Confor calls for forestry regulation report to be implemented   
The Forestry Regulation Task Force, established by the minister in response to a request by Confor, delivered its final report and recommendations to government, in October.
The report, Challenging assumptions, changing perceptions, challenges government to look at the way the forestry sector is regulated and is the culmination of nine months' work gathering information, engaging with interested parties and seeking views. The Task Force makes 15 key recommendations, 26 recommendations and a further 14 recommendations to improve existing processes.

Confor puts pressure on GLA
Confor has upped its lobbying effort for forestry to be excluded from the requirement to be licensed under the Gangmasters Licensing Act. With this position supported by the Forest Regulation Task Force, Confor has now sent a recent report on the GLA to key politicians.

Confor meets ministers on renewables and new planting
Confor chief executive Stuart Goodall and chair Colin Mann participated in a series of constructive industry meetings with Scottish ministers Fergus Ewing and Stewart Stevenson, who have responsibility for energy and forestry policy, respectively, and with UK energy minister Charles Hendry who has responsibility for the Renewables Obligation.

Confor contributes to debate on England's forests
Forestry has rarely had a higher profile in England, but public debate has focused almost exclusively around the issue of ownership of the public forest estate (PFE). Websites such as the ‘Save Our Forest' site provide an interactive forum for discussion and the emergence of the ‘Our Forests' initiative provides a welcome new contribution to the debate, both beginning a process of looking at the important wider issues around forestry in England. In order to contribute to this emerging debate, Confor has now published on its website the first three of a series of papers on forestry in England.

Confor hosts Defra forestry team
Staff from across Defra's forestry team spent an informative day discussing financially sustainable forestry during visits to forests in southeast England organised at the invitation of Confor.

Update on energy policy
The Scotland and UK Governments' long gestation of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) finally seems to be coming to an end, while the refining of the Renewables Obligation (RO) continues, with banding and rates under consultation. The overwhelming focus of government policy so far, through the RO, has been on electricity generation from windfarms and carbon capture technologies, with biomass seen, by Westminster at least, as part of the large base-load electricity generation mix. With the RHI, renewable heat is now being targeted.

Confor welcomes revised UK Forestry Standard and Guidelines
The revised UK Forestry Standard and associated Forestry Guidelines have just been released after years of consultation and development.  Confor has been involved in the process from the outset and generally welcomes the revisions. The documents set out the statutory framework for forestry, along with best practice guidance.

Latest update on P ramorum:
Flight surveys have stopped for the winter, but compliance monitoring continues. The big news is the confirmed outbreak centred around Loch Dornal in Dumfries and Galloway. FC Scotland intends to designate the whole of Galloway as Zone 1, given real concern over the potential extent of the existing infection. Further sites in the vicinity are being inspected, and we can expect a changing scene.
Confor has been in liaison with FC Scotland on the response, including local controls and communication.
Note: A Sitka spruce on the site which had showed signs, has been confirmed as NOT P ramorum - seemingly, it is an algae.
FC is moving ahead with a composting trial in East Anglia: 500m3 will be heat treated for six to eight weeks, perhaps followed by full composting for another six weeks.
Authorised mills and agents are listed at:

Plant health action plan
Caroline Spelman, environment secretary, recently announced an action plan to combat the exotic pests and diseases threatening the health of Britain's trees.

People trying to bring potentially infected plants and cuttings into the UK will face more-robust enforcement, and the government is putting £7m into research on combating new or exotic tree and plant pathogens.

More disease
Fungus-like pathogen Phytophthora lateralis has been found in a Lawson cypress hedge in Plymouth. The disease is most common in western states of the US and Canada but there have also been outbreaks in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Where next with conifers?
Confor needs your help - it will only take 5-10 minutes to respond.
In the light of pests and diseases, as well as climate change, James Hepburne Scott, of Alba Trees plc, is leading a Confor survey to find out members' views on species selection.  Please take time to answer four questions.

Views wanted on tree planting in Scotland  
Dr Andrew Barbour, chairman of the Woodland Expansion Advisory Group, has called for views from across Scotland on how best to take forward woodland expansion.  Confor is represented on the 18-strong group of farmers, foresters, conservation, community and land experts, which has been tasked with the job of providing Scottish ministers with advice on identifying which types of land are best for tree-planting.

Confor works on woodland expansion in Scotland
Again, Confor is asking for your help. There are just two simple questions.
As part of ongoing efforts to further the delivery of more commercial softwood planting, both as new woodland creation and at time of restock, Confor is setting up a task & finish group to assist input to the Woodland Expansion Advisory  Group (above), and also to the general promotion of industry's requirements.

Confor urges FC to support statistics
Confor has written to the Forestry Commission (FC) highlighting the important role of the FC's statistics unit and asking that it be given sufficient resource to undertake its important industry activity.

Northern Ireland Forest Service
There is change at the top for the Northern Ireland Forest Service: Malcolm Beattie is returning to head up the Forest Service as David Small finds a new post.

Lyme disease survey - please help
This is a survey of the experience of health services of people with tick-borne infections in the UK and Ireland (Eire). It has been set up by a group called LymeResearchUk and Ireland in conjunction with the charity Tick Talk Ireland and is led by independent researcher Kate Bloor. The survey is open from 14 October 2011 and will run for eight weeks.
Any questions or enquiries about using this information can be directed to

Confor Oscars - reminder  
Have you submitted your video clip for a chance of winning a cash prize?  Deadline for entries is 21 December 2011.

Funding available for wild venison developments
Are you involved, or would you like to be involved, with wild deer management? Are you involved with wild venison processing and marketing? There is funding for those in east England, but it is hoped to roll it out across England. Evidence is required, so if it is of interest to you, please complete the expression of interest form by end of November.

Nuffield scholarships
The closing date for applications for the 2012/13 Nuffield scholarships is 15 November 2011.  Jez Ralph has just completed one and says: "It is a huge opportunity to see forestry across the world and a shame that more foresters do not take advantage of it. I'm happy for anyone to contact me to discuss it."

Confor events:  
International Forestry Exhibition 2012, at Ragley Estate, Alcester, Warwickshire, on 13-15 September 2012.  Following a record-breaking first exhibitor site meeting in October, the next one is 10 November 2011.
Other events:

Monday, 19 September 2011

Woodland Trust and Forestry News Update

Since the start of the year the Woodland Trust has achieved some major national successes in
our role as the voice for woods and trees. But as always your support has played a major part in this.
This special edition of our newsletter highlights how together we have made such a difference to woodland protection.

Planning to threaten your ancient woods and trees!

Over 11,500 of you helped save the existing wording around protection of ancient trees and
woods when the Government reduced over 1000 pages of planning policy to just 52. Thank
you - it was an amazing achievement, yet still more needs to be done to remove the damaging loophole in the draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). This new document
currently out for consultation will allow development 'if the need for and benefits of
development in that location clearly outweigh the loss' basically, economics trumps
Read our blog and learn more about the Woodland Trust's views
Loss of ancient woods and ancient trees is not acceptable. We want to help Government to
achieve its goal of creating clear planning guidance by simply removing the loophole. We have
had an emergency meeting with the Department for Communities and Local Government
(DCLG) telling them of our concerns over their presumption in favour of sustainable
development. They have asked us to suggest alternative wording.
Take part in our quick poll - should the Government remove the loophole?
Because you were so influential in getting the wording secured please back up our call to
remove the loophole. If Government doesnt hear us en masse and as loudly as possible through
its own channels, it could give them the excuse to disregard what's said. This is our only
opportunity to secure and strengthen protection for ancient woods and trees in the planning

What next for the Independent Forestry Panel?

Over 4,000 Woodland Trust supporters did an amazing job in sharing with the Independent Forestry Panel their vision for the future of our woodland. Thank you so much for being the voice of woods and trees. The Panel received over 40,000 submissions in total, which they will now use to help create an interim report to Government about the future direction of forestry and woodland policy in England. The report is due in November.
As you would expect, we submitted our own distinctive viewpoint. You can read our official submission and what's next for the Independent Forestry Panel on our website.

High Speed 2 next stop your local ancient wood

The Woodland Trust made sure that our voice was heard during the public consultation about
the Government's proposed route plans for a high speed rail. In addition 6,500 of you signed our petition that helped shape our response. It's clear that our submission echoes many national concerns over the High Speed 2 (HS2) route.
Our key points focussed on the high level of damage to 21 ancient woodlands along the route.
The consultation may have closed but you can still have a voice. Our interactive map will show
you the woods under threat. Let us know what you think about the plans.
You can read our submission and use our interactive HS2 map via the campaigning section of
our website.

Woods under Threat Oaken Wood exclusive!

Quarrying continues to threaten ancient woodland in Kent. Permission was granted by Kent
County Council to destroy 33 hectares of valuable wildlife habitat. But after 5,000 of you joined
our campaign the case has been called in for a Public Inquiry by Eric Pickles - Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. This is fantastic news!
Exclusive update: the Public Inquiry will start on 7 February 2012. The Woodland Trust will be
a key player in the proceedings. We are preparing our case to reverse this damaging planning decision and to save this beautiful woodland in association with Kent Wildlife Trust and local
action groups.
Watch this space for more information.

100,000th ancient tree discovered

Just five years after the start of the Ancient Tree Hunt when the 200 year old Major Oak in Sherwood Forest become the first ancient tree recorded, we have now reached the 100,000
mark. A majestic beech tree located in the National Trust's Ashridge Forest in the Chilterns has taken the coveted position of 100,000th tree recorded on to the Ancient Tree Hunt website. It measures 5.6 m around the trunk and is estimated to be around 200 years old.
Sadly due to proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework these breathtaking
trees are not fully protected from developers. It is so important that we all take part in the consultation that will decide the future of these magnificent giants of nature.
Take part in the official NPPF consultation - your voice makes the difference.
Plant trees with the Woodland Trust Volunteer with the Woodland Trust Become a member of the Woodland Trust

Links or pictures not working? View this email online

This email was sent by the Woodland Trust (a charity registered in England & Wales 294344 and
in Scotland SC038885). A non-profit making company limited by guarantee, registered in England (1982873) at its UK office in Kempton Way, Grantham NG31 6LL. Phone 01476 581111

Biomass Forestry Enews From Confor

Like most parts of government, FC England has been subject to deep cuts to its budget. Following an internal review and staff consultation, a new structure is being developed within the timeframe of the current financial settlement, up to 2014/15. Read more...

A recently launched REA campaign and RSPB report address sustainable sourcing of biomass for renewable energy, but do not address issues of UK wood supply.  Read more... 

While Confor’s chief executive, Stuart Goodall, sits on the independent forestry panel, he is not there formally as a representative of Confor.  Confor has responded to the consultation undertaken by the panel. Read more...

Confor joined with other industry organisations to appeal to John Griffiths, Wales Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development, for FC Wales to be excluded from a proposed merger with the Environment Agency and the Countryside Council for Wales, and for all matters forestry to be the responsibility of one minister. This letter accompanies continued direct lobbying by Confor of other ministers and politicians from all parties, as well as, a number of meetings with key officials. Stuart Goodall also provided evidence to the Office of Government Commerce, who undertook a review into the process surrounding the proposed merger.

Confor briefs Scots farming journalists and secures seat on advisory group
Confor organised an extremely successful visit by Scots farming journalists to the BSW/Howie sawmill and a local estate, whose forest is managed by Scottish Woodlands. The visit followed months of negative press around new tree-planting that was damaging the forestry sector. Farming journalists gained an appreciation of the forestry and wood-processing sector and took away a much more supportive attitude to appropriate woodland expansion. The success of the event could perhaps be best measured by the chief executive of NFU Scotland who commented ‘you must have played a blinder!’
Scottish Government has also established an advisory group to explore practical mechanisms for woodland expansion that includes Confor. The first meeting of the group was described as “frank and constructive” by its chairman, Andrew Barbour, a Confor member.  Read more...

Confor supports new service set to boost timber industry innovation
Confor is supporting the Wood Products Innovation Gateway (WPIG), a £1.5m, three-year initiative to raise the value of the forest resource in Scotland. It aims to help Scottish small businesses to develop a whole range of new added-value, wood-based products, processes and construction systems from Scottish-grown timber.   Read more...

Meetings have been held in the new outbreak areas to inform and raise awareness of the implications. A group of organisations’ representatives from across northern England, including Confor, led by Neville Elstone of Cumbria Woodlands, has been set up to assist with communications, similar to those set up in other affected parts of the country. Read more...

The UK timber industry (incorporating imported as well as domestic production) has experienced growth for the first time in three years, according to a new report by the Timber Trade Federation (TTF). But a sharp rise in running costs and subdued demand sees many companies continuing to struggle.  Read more...

It’s so easy now for anyone to shoot a film and post it on the internet and Confor would like to encourage this in a bid to raise public awareness of the sector. We would like to build a library of films and footage that we can showcase and promote.
So if you would like to go out and try your hand, or have already taken film of a large tree being felled, machines working, planting, woodland wildlife, conversations, or simply aspects of a day in your (forestry/woody) life, please share these with us, with a chance to win a great prize.

GLA has launched its trial of a lighter touch to the forestry industry. The pilot, launched on 08 August 2011, is scheduled to run for 12 months and will:
• test whether a lighter regulatory approach can be applied while still safeguarding vulnerable workers’ rights , and
• explore if companies that require a licence are more or less likely to comply with the GLA’s licensing standards.
Along with the pilot, the GLA has published two new briefs – one on the pilot and the other an update on how GLA sees licensing apply to forestry.

The Woodland Carbon Code launched in July, provides a consistent national approach, as well as clarity for potential investors. It is hoped that this will encourage businesses to buy the carbon in new woodland, thereby boosting woodland creation, confident that it has real value.  In addition, Defra has issued new government guidance on how organisations should measure and report their greenhouse gas emissions.

The first site meeting for exhibitors to choose their site for APF 2012 is 06 October 2011, at 2pm, at The Kings Court Hotel, Kings Coughton, Alcester, Warwickshire B49 5QQ. Confor members have priority and can meet at 11am.  Read more...

Biodiversity 2020 – a strategy for England’s wildlife and ecosystem services was published by Defra in August. There are some good words about forestry, including:
“We will bring a greater proportion of our existing woodlands into sustainable management and expand the area of woodland in England.”
Download the strategy here 

Woodland Heritage is appealing for donation to fund further Forest Research work on acute oak decline. Read the letter here 
Meanwhile in London, a worrying disease, Massaria (Splanchnonema platani), has been confirmed. Previously only found in Germany and Holland, it is attacking the capital's iconic plane trees (Platanus 'x' hispanica). And the expansion of oak processionary moth beyond London has also caused concern. Read more...

Two revised utility arboriculture courses are available from Lantra Awards for people working in proximity to electrical equipment for the purpose of maintaining or clearing trees and vegetation.  Read more...

Tree professionals are urged to participate in the final on-line consultation, from 01 September to 08 November 2011, to review the roles, skills and job responsibilities required for people working with trees and timber, and for a chance to win a new chainsaw. Read more...

The revision of the UK Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS) passed a key milestone in July when the UKWAS Steering Group concluded its final draft on schedule. This has been passed to FSC UK and PEFC UK who are seeking the standard’s endorsement through their international bodies. The objective is to achieve the necessary approvals prior to launching the UKWAS 3rd edition in November.

Businesses have a second chance to apply for investment in woodfuel heating installations, boilers of 100kW or above. The investment comes from CO2Sense, the not-for-profit low carbon expert company.  CO2Sense has already invested around £200,000 in new biomass installations this year. With payments under the RHI now confirmed, using woodfuel for heat is an excellent alternative to traditional fuels. Investment from CO2Sense does not have to be repaid until the installation is earning payments and making cost savings.
The deadline for applications is 30 September 2011. Contact Jan Phillips on 0113 237 8416 or
To find out more, visit

Confor Events
North England regional meeting, to be held jointly with RFS, at Dalton Estate, East Yorkshire, on 28 September 2011.  More details
Wales and Marches meeting in conjunction with Woodknowledge Wales and Forest Research: the first seminar in this second series on species choice will be held on 07 October 2011 at Brechfa Forest, Abergorlech, Carmarthenshire.  More details
Confor’s APF2012, is to be held at Ragley Estate, Warwickshire, 13-15 September 2012 

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Forestry News Update

Surveys have shown local spread of P ramorum in those areas already infected, but of a relatively minor scale. The hard winter may have helped to reduce spread. New outbreak sites have been identified in Derbyshire, Lancashire and Isle of Mull.  If you see suspicious symptoms refer to: Tel: 0117 372 1070 or Email: 

Strategy to tackle pest and disease threats to Britain's trees
A new, interim strategy for protecting Britain’s trees and forests from pests and diseases was launched recently, pending an integrated cross-government approach to biosecurity, following the current EU review of its plant health regime. It is a response to the increasing threat to trees and woods from pests and diseases arising from the rapid expansion of global trade and the changing climate. It was prepared by FC under the direction of the GB Biosecurity Programme Board, representing the forest industries and the wider forestry and plant health community. Read more..

ConFor submitted evidence to, and Stuart Goodall appeared in front of, an inquiry by the House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology into forest research and the effects of the 2010 Spending Review on the UK's ability to conduct and deliver forest research. Links to press release and evidence

Forestry achieves returns of 20%
The 2010 IPD Forestry Index, which ConFor supports, was launched in Edinburgh, 22 June 2011. Forestry returns in 2010 reached their highest levels since 2007, at 20%. For the fifth consecutive year, forestry outperformed commercial property markets. As a strategic limited resource and with strong demand from all sectors, underlying investor sentiment has remained strong. As a result, forestry was one of the few property asset classes to avoid negative returns in the downturn. Read more..

Successful first meeting with new Scotland forestry minister
ConFor’s chief executive Stuart Goodall and George McRobbie from Tilhill met the new minister with responsibility for forestry in Scotland, Stewart Stevenson, MSP. Read more..

ConFor organised a summit on 01 June 2011 at Battleby for a cross-section of the industry to agree what needs to be done to the grant support mechanism so that we can successfully deliver the Scottish Forestry Strategy. Read more..

A new advisory group is being set up to help identify land best suited for tree-planting in Scotland. The announcement, on the 23 June 2011, signals the first step in the delivery of the Scottish Government’s Land Use Strategy and was made by Richard Lochhead, cabinet secretary for rural affairs and the environment.
The aim is to create stronger integration between the forestry and farming sectors, to ensure the balance between increasing woodland cover and safeguarding food production is effectively achieved.  Read more.. A second round of the FC Scotland leasing scheme was also announced, which offers productive woodland to be created on farmland, which after 10 years, is returned gratis to the farmer.

Following “encouragement” from ConFor and in recognition of its lobbying around forest loss, FCS has agreed to roll out to the whole of Scotland, the pilot study conducted in part of Perth & Argyll conservancy to monitor ongoing losses of forest.  There will be two aspects to this work.  First, a once-only study on the changes to forest area and species due to forest management, comparing now and forecasts for 10 and 20 years, under the categories of Sitka spruce, mixed conifers, broadleaves and open ground, and reported on a conservancy basis.  This will take approximately six months to complete. 
At the same time there will be ongoing monitoring set up to record the same changes due to “unconditional felling”, ie windfarms, habitat restoration and other development.

ConFor organised a successful visit for Pam Warhurst, FC chair, to a privately owned woodland and a fencing sawmill.  The owner and UPM Tilhill manager hosted the visit in a Sitka plantation in Lancashire, where restructuring is taking place.   With much lively debate, it was a great opportunity for Pam to see the ambitious approach to sustainable forest management, in the face of a range of challenges, taken by the private sector. 

The white paper sets out a detailed programme of action to repair damage done to the environment in the past, and urges everyone to get involved in helping nature to flourish at all levels – from neighbourhoods to national parks.
The Natural Choice, the first white paper (policy) on the natural environment in 20 years, is directly linked to research in the National Ecosystem Assessment, also published recently (, showing strong economic arguments for safeguarding and enhancing the natural environment. Though the challenge of capturing the value of forests in concrete, financial terms remains. Read more..


The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) released its 3rd annual report to Parliament recently. The CCC is an independent body established under the Climate Change Act to advise the government on emissions targets, and to report to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The CCC's progress report introduced targets and indicators for forestry for the first time.  The target is for at least 21,000 ha/yr woodland creation from 2015.  Read more..

Robert Bland, chair of ConFor's woodfuel suppliers group, joined FC chair Pam Warhurst in launching FC England's woodfuel implementation plan. The implementation plan will increase wood supply, an increasingly important objective shared by all working in forestry, by bringing more privately owned woods into management. It will also focus on supporting the development of local scale woodfuel use, a key objective of ConFor and the new suppliers group. 

In compliance with the spending review 2010, which requires FC to make 25% savings, FC England has set out its restructuring plans. 
Its corporate plan is at

Great Britain has more woodland than previous estimates indicated, according to provisional results from the National Forest Inventory.   An increase in woodland area of 225,000 ha (8%), compared with the estimate for 2010, has been identified. The use of high-tech aerial photography, satellite imagery and the inclusion of small urban woods, has contributed to the substantial increase.  It brings the new, estimated, total area of woodland to 2,982,000 ha (13%), across England, Scotland and Wales. Read more..

In order to clarify the positive nature of ConFor’s work and to more accurately reflect the sector which ConFor represents, as well as give a more contemporary feel, especially to the general public, ConFor is re-branding, including a new strapline, Promoting forestry and wood.  Trees, woods and timber currently enjoy a high profile, with increasing political recognition of the positive roles and contribution of the sector.
Publication of the National Ecosystem Report is just one recent example of wider recognition and it is essential that ConFor maximises opportunities surrounding such media interest.

The ConFor/WFBP (Wales Forest Business Partnership) marquee will be hosting events throughout Forestry Day on Tuesday 19 July 2011. See programme 
Not to be missed are Using home-grown timber at 12 noon, featuring Dainis Dauksta on larch, Doug Hughes on timber in architecture and Alistair Yeomans describing how to use myForest.
This will be followed by the legendary John Clegg & Co sponsored forest food buffet, featuring grey squirrel for the first time!
Finally at 4.30pm will be the opportunity to ask questions of senior FC Wales and Welsh government officers about Glastir, grants, policy and the proposed merger.

The opening event in the ConFor stand at this year’s show will be an “Any Questions”-style panel discussion at 9.30am, chaired by Sir Henry Studholme, on the theme of the future of forests in England. The other panellists are, Simon Hodgson, chief executive of FC England, Sue Holden, chief executive of The Woodland Trust and ConFor’s Stuart Goodall.  Members are asked to submit questions in advance, from which a selection will be made.  Help us to make this a lively debate. There are plans to offer breakfast to invited guests beforehand, but sponsors are urgently needed, for this and other opportunities.  Please contact

The following were included in the Queen’s birthday honours:
John Wilding MBE, head forester at Clinton Devon Estates, for services to the environment.
Dr Sophie Churchill OBE, chief executive of The National Forest Company, for services to the environment.
Judith Webb MBE, forestry commissioner, for services to conservation in England and Wales.

It was reported recently in the Scottish media that the Land Reform Act is to be challenged by a landowner on the Isle of Skye, where crofters want to take over part of a large estate.  A sheriff directed the Court of Session in Edinburgh to decide whether the Scottish Land Reform Act 2003 is consistent with the European Convention on Human Rights.

Nick Clegg and Vince Cable announced, on 23 May 2011, that the Green Investment Bank would be an ambitious institution that will aim to, "catalyse an additional £15 billion of investment in the green infrastructure”.  Nick Clegg stressed that the bank would be an independent organisation with a potential initial remit to focus on offshore wind, waste and non-domestic energy efficiency. 

Just a reminder that the task force would still like to receive comments up to the end of July.  A brief email highlighting your particular gripes/ideas/suggestions is all that is required.

Another reminder that with ticks active again, anyone going out and about in the countryside should think about protecting themselves.  The consequences of Lyme disease can be very unpleasant and serious. Read more..

The annual report and accounts for the Forest Industries Education and Provident Fund for the year ended 31 December 2010 is available from