Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Independent Panel on Forestry Final Report July 2012

Friday, 2 December 2011

Forest Watch : The Woodland Trust Report on the State of Our Forest

The New Woodland Trust Report

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Jubilee Woods and Tree Week 2011

Jubilee Woods
Cardiff tree planting event
Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal once again showed her support for the Jubilee Woods project. She planted a tree at St Peter's Community Hall in Fairwater, Cardiff which was attended by children from a local school and a group of teenagers from a Young Offenders Institute.
Just three years ago, this community garden was a wasteland but, with the help of the Woodland Trust and our free community packs, it is now described as a "haven of peace" in the heart of Wales' capital.

National Tree Week – 26th November – 4th December
It's National Tree Week (26th November – 4th December) and what a great way to celebrate the start of the tree planting season. We'll be highlighting the importance of trees through our Facebook and Twitter feeds and you can also read more here .
Diamond Woods
We now have 35 confirmed diamond woods. That's over 1.5 million trees that will be planted as part of our Jubilee Woods project so far. We are well on our way to our target of 60 Diamond Woods but still need help to achieve this. See how you can help here.
Thank you for helping us acquire our flagship Diamond Wood. We recently launched our local fundraising drive with an event that saw a fantastic turnout and real enthusiasm from the surrounding community. But we still need your support. Please donate now and help us maintain this momentum to achieve something wonderful in the heart of England.
Donate Now
Tree planting events
Our tree planting season is well under way with various events planned around the country. The Burghley Estate Diamond Wood is one of the first events and they areholding a tree planting event at the beginning of December with local school and communities involved. Please keep visiting the Jubilee Woods website to see what's happening.

Local fundraising
County Durham kicks off our local fundraising activities, where we want local communities to make a real difference to their county. We are putting together a fundraising toolkit for anyone who wants to get involved. This will be available soon on our website. The kit will be packed with exciting fundraising ideas, downloadable posters, donations forms and invites. Keep visiting our site to find out more.
Schools and community free tree packs
We have sent out an incredible 17,500 free tree packs to schools and a further 1000 free tree packs to communities – that's a phenomenal 750,000 free tree supplied by the Woodland Trust. As a result of this, 1,800 acres will be planted across the UK; equivalent to five times the size of London's Hyde Park!
You can still apply for your free schools and community packs – a great way to celebrate Her Majesty The Queen's Diamond Jubilee and leave a lasting legacy for the future.

Plant a garden tree
We want you to get involved in the Trust's ambitious plans to plant a million garden trees. You can be part of this nationwide transformation by pledging to plant a tree. We can help you choose your tree and once it is planted you can add your story to our new Royal Record – history in the making!
pledge now

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